Guess who’s back? Back again? – Eminem

I knew that there would be very little time for big year birding between Friday and Sunday this week.  Rocky Point Bird Observatory had the good fortune to have Bill Clark, renowned raptor specialist in town to lead a raptor workshop for us.

I did manage, however, to sneak a tiny bit of time to try a new place for the White-throated Sparrow.  Bow Park in Saanich has been a pretty reliable spot for this sparrow in recent years, sometimes with several individuals seen.  Mike and Jo Motek saw one there twice this week, and given my (lack of) luck at Panama Flats, I decided to give it a try between appointments.  The park has a pond with dozens of Wood Ducks and other “puddle ducks”,  but my attention was more in the woods on Friday.  There was a little of the same problem as I had at Panama; the park is well-used and several times the sparrows were flushed back into the bushes.  However, it was not nearly as frequent or frustrating as it had been on Thursday.

With only about 20 minutes, I didn’t really expect to get the bird, and that’s exactly what happened.  I’m really on a streak for not getting White-throated Sparrows!  It was a beautiful afternoon, though, and all of the other birds were actiing as if it was spring.  The woods was filled with song and courtship displays of Anna’s Hummingbirds and Bewick’s Wrens were going on all around me.

This Bewick's Wren was checking out the wildlife tree as a possible nesting site.
This Bewick’s Wren was checking out the wildlife tree as a possible nesting site.

A Brown Creeper was also singing clearly as it made its way around and around a Garry Oak tree.brown creeper

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Saturday and Sunday were completely tied up with the raptor workshop, I think Saturday may be the first day this year I have done no birding at all.

I still got to think about birds (or at least one particular bird) though. I’d received a text from Carla Duffey on Quadra Island on Thursday that the Great Gray Owl had been seen again.  On Saturday, she was staring at it in her yard as she texted me.  I need a body double!

On Sunday, I saw two species that were not on my list: Red-throated Loon and Short-eared Owl.    Only problem was that I was on the mainland for the raptor workshop field trip, so they don’t count.  I also got a text from Matt Cameron who had relocated a Northern Shrike in Victoria.  grrrrr.

So back I go.  Monday morning, I am heading back to Quadra Island to search again for this big but elusive ghost.  My species list has been stalled at 130 for several days now. I hope to change that in the morning. Wish me luck!

One thought on “Guess who’s back? Back again? – Eminem”

  1. I will do a little magic bird-finding dance for good luck in getting your lifer Great Gray Owl. Go for it Ann! Wish I could join you as it would be a lifer bird for me too!

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